Simple Toggle

Simple Toggle

On this page

Field Configuration

Before starting the field configuration, please follow the instructions for creating custom fields: Create a Custom Field



Step 1: Set a name and description

Provide a good name for the new custom field. Make it descriptive, concise, and easy to understand for others who will use it. Avoid using ambiguous or overly technical terms.



Step 2: Set labels and color

You have the option to adjust the field by adding labels and colors for the two states, "Yes" and "No." Furthermore, you can personalize the toggle by selecting a background color and adjusting its size according to your preferences.



Field view and edit



Edit view
Issue view

Related Use Cases

More use cases are coming soon. In the meantime, check out our other use cases.

Jira Service Management (JSM)

Before you can add a custom field for Jira Service Management (JSM) projects, you first need to setup the custom field:Simple Toggle | Field Configuration. Then follow the guide to use the field in the request form or the portal view: Add Custom Fields to Jira Service Management


Request form
Portal view

JQL expression

The field is an object type with a property status.

${fieldName}.status = "true" | "false"


Example: a search for all issues with toggle to “Yes“ it may look like this

"Simple Toggle.status" = "true"

Data Structure (Automation)


To set the value via automation, you need the following object structure

{ "status": true | false }

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