Add Custom Fields to Jira Service Management
Enhancing your portal with custom fields not only enhances user experience but also provides customers with valuable additional information.
Available custom fields
While not all of our custom fields are compatible with Jira Service Management (JSM), we are happy to present the following ones that are compatible with JSM:
Available Jira standard custom fields
In addtion to the ACF fields (see list above), we support configuring some standard Jira fields to appear only in the request view. This allows agents to share information through custom fields, without using comments.
You’ll find a list of supported Jira standard fields in the request view configuration. At the moment you may choose the following types
Number field
Short text (plain text only)
Please note that the fields can only be added in the request view, not the request form.
Add a custom field
Before you can add a custom field for Jira Service Management (JSM) projects, you first need to setup the custom field. See Create a Custom Field.
Make sure the fields are available in the corresponding screens
Not all fields or configurations are compatible with Jira Service Management
Empty custom fields won’t be displayed in the request view
Step 1: Choose the Request Type
Switch to the Jira Service Management tab and choose the Request Type
Find the request type you want to add your custom field(s) to and click on EDIT fields.
Step 2: Configure Request View
Drag & drop your custom fields into the blue zones of the request form on the left.
There a two location where customs fields can be displayed.
Step 3: Configure Request Form
Switch to the FORM tab and drag & drop your custom fields into the blue zones of the request form on the left.
Step 4 (optional): Add the Fields to The Issue View in Jira Configuration
In your projects settings find the tab Request types. Chose the request type you added the custom fields to and drag & drop your custom fields to your desired position.