The "Traffic Lights" custom field provides a visually intuitive way to signal the status of tasks, issues, or projects at a glance. Just like traffic signals guide us on the road, this field employs a color-coded system for example to communicate the state of items within your Jira instance. Whether you're tracking task completion, monitoring project health, or simply want a more efficient way to communicate within your team, the "Traffic Lights" custom field is a versatile tool that adds clarity and simplicity to your Jira experience.
Field Configuration
Before starting the field configuration, please follow the instructions for creating custom fields
Step 1: Set a Name And Description
Provide a good name for the new custom field. Make it descriptive, concise, and easy to understand for others who will use it. Avoid using ambiguous or overly technical terms.
Step 2: Configure Your Custom Field
The traffic lights field allows you to choose from a pre-defined set of field sizes.
Step 3 (Optional): Enable Custom Labeling
If you want to set a custom label for each traffic light state you can do so by enabling the labeling option on the right.
Field view and edit
Related Use Cases
WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First)CalendarJira Service Management (JSM)
Before you can add a custom field for Jira Service Management (JSM) projects, you first need to setup the custom field
Then follow this guide to use Traffic Lights in the request form or the portal view
JQL expression
${fieldName}.State: GREEN | YELLOW | RED
Find further information here
Example: a search for all issues with green traffic lights
"Traffic Lights.State" = GREEN
Data structure (automation)
To set the value via automation, you need the following object structure
{ "state": "GREEN" | "YELLOW" | "RED" }