Personalize your site’s header with quick links to promote easy and immediate access to frequently used content.
Structure section
Enter a Name and URL for each quick link. You can set links to Open in a new tab to help site viewers find the information they want, without navigating away from the current page that they are on. Rearrange the order of links in the site header by selecting and dragging the reorder symbol.
Add link: Select the button to add up to ten quick links.
Position & Style section
Appearance: Quick links can be displayed as either regular links or buttons.
Button background color: Select the color for the link button. Use the color picker or enter the HEX color value. This field becomes enabled only when you set the Appearance to Button.
Preview section
This section provides a real-time preview of how the header’s appearance will change based on the selected settings.
Configure here: Select the link if you want to open the Site Configuration: Configuration section: Theming module and make adjustments, such as modifying background, logo, and title settings.